Folkmanis Tortoise Hand Puppet

SKU: EZFB00000K1Y3
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  • Made using the highest quality materials
  • Award winning design
  • Great fun for toddlers and children
  • Easily animate the antics of this engaging Tortoise plush hand puppet
  • Ideal for stage and puppet theater, storytelling, teaching, daycare, pre-school, pretend play, role-playing, presentations, games, parties and gifts
  • Use your hand to express the head, mouth and arms of this interactive reptile puppet
  • Constructed from high-quality materials with exceptionally realistic details; easy to care for years of play
  • Comfortably slips over the hand; measures 13 x 9 x 5 inches (LxWxH)

  • Is this Tortoise looking for a hare to race This silk-screened, suede-cloth puppet from Folkmanis is just one step away from nature. Head and front legs articulate or retract into shell completely. Ideal for use in interactive stage and puppet theater, Folkmanis Puppets are also great for teaching, daycare, school, pretend play, games and parties, or to pair with a book for storytelling. Easy to feed and care for, just add lots of love and snuggly fun. This puppet measures 13 x 9 x 5 inches (LxWxH). Folkmanis has been encouraging young imaginations to blossom since 1976 with its innovative and engaging specialty puppets, promoting creativity and discovery while winning nearly every industry, child development, and kid-tested award. Folkmanis has grown to become the premier manufacturer of plush puppets worldwide, offering over 200 of the most heartwarming and realistically designed creatures--both exotic and familiar--on the market today. (Birthday: July, 1995).
    Brand: Folkmanis, Model: 2181, Color: multi-colored, Size: 8"

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