Celestial Buddies Neptune Plush Toy Planet

Celestial Buddies
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  • These cute solar system plush toys are a great way to introduce your child to the universe
  • The planets are detailed to resemble the real thing, making it easy to compare similarities and differences
  • The planet is approximately 6.5 inches tall when seated
  • Handmade with all new materials. Content is polyester fiber.
  • Suitable for ages 3 and above

  • Celestial Buddies is an original line of plush characters each personifying a celestial body occupying our heavens.The farthest planet from the Sun, Neptune is named for the Roman god of the sea, but it's not water that makes Neptune so blue. It's the methane in its atmosphere. Because it is so very far away it can not be seen with the naked eye. Neptune was the first planet found through mathematical prediction rather than direct observation. Each Celestial Buddy is designed to stay true to the unique variations of the planet through careful selection of fabrics and decisions regarding size, shape and features to create an artistic interpretation of each celestial body. Each character comes with a tag showing the actual object it personifies and some fun facts to give the toy educational value.
    Brand: Celestial Buddies, Color: Blue, Size: 6.5 inches

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