Quinny Buzz Stroller Footmuff, Blue Scratch

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  • Insulated sleeping bag that fits quinny buzz stroller
  • Lower half of footmuff shell threads through straps of buzz stroller's 5-point harness
  • Upper half is removable enabling you to get child in and out easily
  • Insulating synthetic material and outer shell cotton lined

  • Keep baby warm and snuggly all year long. Perfect for a chilly afternoon stroll, the Quinny Buzz Footmuff fits into the seat of your Buzz stroller. No need to remove when folding, and the zip off feature allow you to get baby in and out with ease. When it is warmer, just remove the top portion and leave the bottom half in place for extra seat padding. Features: keeps baby warm and cozy in all weather conditions. Perfect fit for the Buzz 3 or 4 strollers, does not interfere with the stroller's harness. Nuzzles around baby's head for additional warmth and comfort. Zip-off top provides quick and easy access to the baby. Sleek looks and cutting edge design. Ease of use and innovative technology. Quinny stylishly incorporates these trademark features in their range of strollers designed to fit the lifestyle of today's urban parents. Quinny is the urban mother's perfect support system in a busy life, juggling motherhood with the tough demands of managing her professional career with a social life.
    Brand: Quinny, Model: 32521BFW, Color: Blue Scratch

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