Pockit Lightweight Stroller

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  • WORLD'S SMALLEST FOLDING STROLLER - With its innovative two-step folding design, the Pockit is the 2014 Guiness World Records most compact stroller folding down to 11.8 inches x 7 inches x 13.8 inches and a weight of 9.5 pounds
  • SMALL BUT STRONG - Built using high quality, durable materials, the Pockit can hold a child from 6 months up to 55 pounds as well as 11 pounds of gear in its convenient storage basket
  • PERFECT FOR DAY TRIPS OR EXTENDED TRAVEL - For families with a passion for local or overseas travel and exploring, Pockit is the quintessential choice as it stows away easily in any plane or train overhead bin, or just stowing away in the car
  • SECURE, ADJUSTABLE HARNESS SYSTEM - The Pockit is equipped with a secure safety belt and protective comfort pads that can be set at different height and fastened or loosened for a cozy and secure fit allowing the stroller to grow with your child
  • OTHER VALUABLE FEATURES - Easy, one-hand pushing and steering, sliding back panel with adjustable torso length, lightweight yet sturdy aluminum frame, lockable front swivel wheels, overhead canopy, rear wheel parking brake, and padded handlebars

  • The world's smallest folding stroller With its exceptional design innovation, the gb Pockit is the 2014 Guinness World Records most compact stroller. When folded it is the smallest and most compact stroller currently available on the market, 12 x 7 x 14 inch to be precise. You can see why we call it the Pockit! The cleverly designed, compact fold uses the 2 x 2 D technique. This means that in only two steps the stroller becomes a compact and feather-light handbag shaped package (9.5 lbs), great for when you are on the move and practical and easy to stow away when you're not. For parents with a passion for city travel and exploring, the Pockit is the quintessential choice. With the ability to switch from pushing to carrying within seconds, the Pockit is ideal for trips by train, plane or simply visiting your favorite cafes.
    Brand: gb, Model: 616230015, Color: Dragonfire Red, Size: 9.5 Pounds

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