JOOVY Caboose Too Ultralight Graphite Stand-On Tandem Stroller, Black

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  • The lightest weight (23 lbs.), most compact, and maneuverable full-size double stroller available, max child weight 90 lbs.
  • Full-size removable rear seat has a multi-position recline and holds a child from 6 months to 45 lbs.
  • Front seat accommodates a child from 3 months to 45 lbs. and reclines to 3-positions
  • Rear bench seat and standing platform holds child 2.5 years and up to 45 lbs., rear seat canopy extension protects the rear child when seated
  • Includes Parent Organizer and a Universal Car Seat Adapter that fits most major brands, check Joovy website for the most current car seat list

  • The Joovy Caboose Too Ultralight Graphite stroller has all of the same great features of our Caboose Ultralight Graphite stroller PLUS it includes a full-size rear seat. The full-size rear seat is removable and accommodates children too young (less than 2.5 years) to use the rear bench seat and standing platform. The full-size rear seat has a multi-position recline and holds a child from 6 months to 45 lbs. The front seat accommodates a child from 3 months to 45 lbs. and reclines to 3-positions. Max child weight in stroller is 90 lbs. When strolling with an infant, it's easy to create a travel system with the included universal car seat adapter. The large canopy provides ample coverage, and the rear canopy extension covers the rear child when seated. Linked parking brakes and all-wheel suspension offers your kids a smooth ride. The included parent organizer holds two beverages and has a zippered pocket for keys, wallet or phone. The Caboose Too Ultralight is extremely compact and lightweight. Weighing in at just over 21 pounds without the rear seat and just over 23 pounds with the rear seat installed. The light weight combined with its small footprint and sealed ball-bearing wheels make the Caboose Too Ultralight Graphite extremely maneuverable - especially for a double stroller. Includes Joovy' s 2-year manufacturer's warranty.
    Brand: Joovy, Model: 8177, Color: Black

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