gb Qbit LTE Travel Stroller, Rasberry

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  • The GB Qbit Travel Stroller is the ultimate lightweight stroller designed to carry children up to 50 lbs. using its 5-point safety harness
  • Whether it's in the back of the car, or a trip on an airplane, the Qbit folds compactly into it's uniquely designed transport bag fitting into most overhead compartments or the back seat of your vehicle
  • Generous expandable canopy offers protection from the sun and other elements for your toddler
  • Other features include parent cup holders, covered storage basket, full-size reclining seat, and padded handles
  • ICS compatible with the following car seats: GB Asana, Cybex Aton, Maxi Cosi Mico and using the included car seat fit adapters

  • The GB Qbit is the ultimate travel stroller. Sleek, small, and sturdy, the Qbit folds to fit perfectly in the back seat for a road trip, and in many overhead compartments. It's uniquely designed transport bag provides protection from departures through arrival and make the lightweight Qbit oh-so-easy to carry. And don't worry, when you've reached your final destination, the Qbit is ready for everyday use with convenience features such as comfortable, full-sized seat, large canopy, and storage basket. The Qbit is also compatible with the GB Asana and Chicco Key Fit Infant Car Seat (adapters included.).
    Brand: gb, Model: 10AW1G-RAS2U, Color: Rasberry

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