Choice of Black Pegs in 100 Packs of J and L Pegs.
Patented Flex-Lock system locks pegs to 1/4" hole pegboard.
WallPeg Pegs are Larger, Stronger, and Do Not Wobble like others...see pictures
Will out perform all other peg hooks - NO SPLIT PRONGS TO DAMAGE PEG HOLES .
Easy to install, easy to move, stays in place...that's the Flex-Lock way!
WallPeg Peg Hooks • Designed to eliminate loose, wobbly peg hooks. • Unlike metal peg hooks that easily fall out the pegboard, WallPeg pegs lock with a simple push. • Our patented Flex-Lock, cam-locks to the pegboard yet are easy to remove. • Peg hooks are made with recycled high impact, durable polypropylene to fit ¼" hole pegboard. • Your Best Amazon Deals on Pegboard, hooks, bins, and WallPeg . Brand: WallPeg, Model: 50-100 M-V, Color: Black
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