Rubbermaid Commercial Products BRUTE Rollout Waste/Utility Container, 65-gallon, Gray (FG9W2100GRAY)

Rubbermaid Commercial Products
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Brand Rubbermaid Commercial Products
Model FG9W2100GRAY
Color Gray
Size 65G

  • Hinged lid fits snugly and swings back to lock into place
  • Imprinted with the universal recycling symbol
  • Molded-in axle and inset wheels enhance strength and improve maneuverability
  • Compatible with automated and semi-automated lift systems
  • Superior strength and durability

  • The Rubbermaid Commercial BRUTE Recycler Rollout Trash Can with Hinged Lid is the industry leader in waste and material handling applications. These seamless rectangular recycle bins are constructed of durable polyethylene with a hinged lid, integrated handle, inset wheels and are imprinted with the universal recycling symbol for increased waste management compliance. Heavy-duty polyethylene weighs less than aluminum or steel and resists cracking. The hinged lid open fully and locks against the recycling bins. A molded-in axle retainer adds strength while inset wheels make the recycle bin maneuverable and help prevent damage to walls and doorways. A molded-in catch bar makes the recycle bins compatible with automated and semi-automated lift systems for curbside garbage and recycling collection. This recycle bin contains an ultraviolet (UV) stabilizer to help prevent fading and discoloring.

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