DuraHook Triton Products 77500 Zinc Plated Steel BinClips for DuraBoard or 1/8 Inch and 1/4 Inch Pegboard, 5-Pack

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Brand DuraHook
Model 77500
Color Silver

  • Position hanging plastic bins individually anywhere on a duraboard pegboard
  • Plastic hanging bins mount on top of the binclip which secures the bin to the locboard
  • Bins are easily removed from the binclip, taken to work areas and then returned to the binclip position on the locboard when the job is finished
  • Use multiple steel BinClips for larger bins and heavier items
  • Offers more holding capability with a weight limit of 20-pound each

  • Triton BinClip is a unique design that makes it easy to mount Plastic Hanging Bins on all pegboard and DuraBoard sizes. They provide additional storage opportunities on a pegboard for those hard to store parts and tool accessories. LocBins or any plastic hanging bin can be mounted on the BinClip individually anywhere on the pegboard to securely hold loose parts, tool accessories or heavy, odd-shaped or precision tools along with hardware items. Pegboard BinClips provide a visible and interchangeable bin system for any size pegboard and offer a unique storage opportunity to keep accessory items and small parts neat and organized near the tools that are being stored on a pegboard.

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