Rule Mate RM2000A Automated Bilge Pump, No Float Switch Required, 2000 GPH, 12 Volt

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Brand Rule
Model RM2000A
Color White/Blue
Size 12 Volt

  • A Genuine Rule Product, don't settle for less, limited 3 year warranty
  • Features a solid state water sensing technology that eliminates the need for a separate float switch
  • Pump turns on when water level rises and shuts off when water is removed, will not pump oil - straight motor oil that enters the bilge will not turn the pump on
  • Snap-off strainer for easy cleaning
  • Anti-fouling impeller.

  • When water enters the bilge and reaches a certain height, 2-3/4" (70mm), a sensor turns the pump on. After the water is pumped out, another sensor shuts the pump off. The sensors' unique “field effect” technology is environment friendly because they only sense the dielectric constant of water. In the event of an onboard oil spill, straight motor oil that enters the bilge will not turn the pump on. Please note that this is not an oil overspill system or a safety measure device.

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