PJ1 2-15W 15W Fork Tuner Oil, 0.5 L

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Brand PJ1
Model 2-15W
Size 0.5 Litres

  • High Viscosity Index (H.V.I.) fluid specially blended with anti-foaming additives, which provide consistent fork performance superior to standard fork oil, even under severe temperature ranges
  • PJ1 Fork Tuner special High Viscosity Index formula far exceeds all OEM specifications and noticeably increases traction and handling for a smoother ride
  • PJ1 Fork Tuner oils will not fade, be affected by hot or cold climates or break down under extreme riding conditions
  • Synthetic anti-seal swell additive to help keep seals soft and to guard seal from leakage
  • Available in 8 different multi-viscosity weights, providing consistent, smooth damping action for a more precise response from the forks

  • High Viscosity Index (H.V.I.) fluid specially blended with anti-foaming additives, which provide consistent fork performance superior to standard fork oil, even under severe temperature ranges. Available in 8 different multi-viscosity weights, providing consistent, smooth damping action for a more precise response from the forks. PJ1 Fork Tuner special High Viscosity Index formula far exceeds all OEM specifications and noticeably increases traction and handling for a smoother ride. PJ1 Fork Tuner oils will not fade, be affected by hot or cold climates or break down under extreme riding conditions. Recommended for both 2T and 4T motorcycles. Superior hydrolytic stability in the presence of fresh and salt water. Optimum anti-wear, anti-foam protection. Synthetic anti-seal swell additive to help keep seals soft and to guard seal from leakage.

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