Munchkin 12 Piece Soft-Tip Infant Spoons

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Brand Munchkin
Model 11448
Color Assorted Colors
Size 12 Count

  • Includes 12 brightly colored spoons
  • Rounded, soft spoon bowls are gentle on baby's gums
  • Ergonomically designed for a comfortable hold
  • BPA free
  • Top rack dishwasher safe

  • When introducing baby to solids, you can't just use any old spoon. Babies have sweet little mouths and sensitive gums, and they need extra care in order to taste all the exciting new flavors you're giving them. Munchkin's Soft Tip Infant Spoons were designed specifically to help you with baby's first feedings. The soft tips and rounded shapes are gentle on gums, and the shallow spoon bowl makes it easy for your little novice to eat. The spoons were made with moms and dads in mind, too - the special handle is ergonomically designed for a comfortable hold and just the right length to reach the bottom of baby food jars. Ready, set, feed with ease!

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