Estwing Sportsman's Axe - 14" Camping Hatchet with Forged Steel Construction & Genuine Leather Grip - E24A

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Brand Estwing
Model E24A
Color Leather
Size 14" (Inches)

  • FORGED IN ONE PIECE - The most durable, longest lasting striking tools available
  • OUTDOOR VERSITILITY - Perfect for chopping logs, small trees & branches or splitting firewood & kindling
  • HEAVY DUTY SHEATH - Includes ballistic nylon sheath to protect hand sharpened cutting edge
  • GENUINE LEATHER GRIP - Hand sanded and lacquered for a durable yet comfortable finish
  • MADE IN THE USA - Our tools are proudly crafted in Rockford, IL using the finest American steel

  • Estwing's world famous Sportsman's axe is the choice of outdoorsmen everywhere. Both the head and handle of the axe are forged in 1-piece and hand polished to a beautiful finish. This classic axe offers unsurpassed balance and temper. It's genuine leather handle is sanded and lacquered for a durable yet comfortable feel. The Sportsman's axe includes a rugged ballistic nylon sheath with belt loop so it can always have your tool close at hand. It has a tempered 3-1/4 in. cutting edge for easy cutting. A must for all campers and outdoorsman alike! Estwing Axes are proudly forged in the in USA using the finest American steel. Please always wear eye protection while using this tool.

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