BoatBuckle G2 Retractable Bow Tie-Down (2-Inch x 43-Inch, Black)

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Brand BoatBuckle
Model F14220
Size one size

  • Automatically retractable ratcheting tie-down system for boats
  • Each buckle has 2,500-pound breaking strength and 833 pounds safe working load
  • Buckle automatically retracts to hold the boat snug to the trailer
  • 2-inch seat belt quality polyester web measures 43 inches
  • Designed with three-point trailer tie-down safety in mind

  • The BoatBuckle G2 Bow Tie-Down was designed with three-point trailer tie-down safety in mind and should always be used in conjunction with a good winch strap, along with a transom or gunwale tie-down. It features an automatically retractable ratcheting tie-down system. The two-inch web is made from high-quality polyester and measures 43 inches. It has a break strength of 2,500 pounds and a 833-pound safe working load. BoatBuckle brand tie-down systems offer professional fishermen and weekend boaters convenient, high quality tie-down systems so they can spend more time on the water and less time on the boat ramp. IMMI is the leading marine tie-down manufacturer in North America.

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