2015 HO Sunset 2 Tube

HO Sports
Out Of Stock


  • Item may have been used on display and/or not in original box.

  • Sunset 2 Up to 2 Riders 60 Diameter Traditionally, there has been very little difference between round, deck style tubes. You can buy one from any inflatable maker and theyre basically all the same. That isuntil now. With the addition of HO Sports Shoftshell Technology, now you can tube all day without worrying about the abrasion or tube rash that you would get from a traditional nylon covered tube. This new technology is best thing to happen to tubes since the introduction of the nylon cover. So, grab a friend and hop aboard this 2 rider deck tube and have fun out there! Softshell Tech Top Sheet HO Quick Connect Tow Attachment Boston Valves for Quick and Easy Inflation and Deflation No-Show Handles
    Brand: HO Sports, Size: 2 Person

    Custom Tab 01

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