HotTool 12v Water Diaphragm Pump 20L/min 5.5Gpm 60Psi - Marine RV Boat Sprayer Pump

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  • 5 Chamber Diaphragm Pump
  • Demand Pump with 60 PSI Switch (4.1 bar)
  • Inlet/Outlet: 1/2

  • WWW.SEAFLO.US . The 51-Series is our Heavy-Duty water pump. It provides high volume water flow with reduced pump cycling, thanks to the large five-chamber diaphragm. These models are designed to run on water systems with no accumulator tank necessary, and up to five fixtures! It is also suited for use with a holding tank water system, as may be found in a boat, RV or remote cabin. It provides up to 5.0 gallons per minute. The 51-Series pumps are self-priming, and can run dry without damage. The internal bypass feature allows excess water to recirculate inside the pump, eliminating the need for an accumulator tank. This automatic demand water system pump has a built-in pressure switch, which automatically starts and stops and stops the pump when the faucet is opened and closed. They're easy to install, service and winterize.
    Brand: Seaflo

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