Hampton NauticalWooden Rustic Seaside Squared Oar, 36"

Hampton Nautical
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  • Solid wooden oar - handcrafted by our master artisans
  • Functional and decorative nautical wall decor - Three brass hooks included to hang keys, towels, hats and other items
  • Classic and decorative nautical color - rustic blue finish
  • Rustic decor finish with aged rope presents an authentic nautical style
  • Contoured handle and scupper provide a realistic feel to the decorative rowing oar

  • Classically styled and hand-painted for authenticity, this Wooden Rustic Seaside Squared Rowing Oar with Hooks 36" is the perfect nautical wall art for any beach home or office. Breathing with the atmosphere of the sea, this nautical wood boat oar decoration exudes the freedom found on the open ocean and the warm competitive spirit of racing. Enjoy the chic nautical style of this Wooden Rustic Seaside Squared Rowing Oar with Hooks 36", indoors or out and place it with pride. Handcrafted Nautical Decor is the premier manufacturer of the world's finest model boats, nautical decorations and tropical & beach decor. Whether you are looking for stunningly accurate models of historical ships like the Titanic or Blackbeard's pirate ship, or you're looking for nautical replicas, gifts and decor such as compasses, world globes, porthole mirrors, model sailboats, ships in a bottle, or brass spyglass & telescopes, Handcrafted Nautical Decor provides the highest quality expertly handcrafted nautical gifts at wholesale prices. Their extensive product line of model ships, nautical decorations & gifts includes trendy tropical, sailing and beach decor, as well as supplies and decor for your home or nautical-themed party. Handcrafted Nautical Decor products are designed by master artisans and crafted from the finest materials available; their fully assembled model ships and decorative items make great gifts for all ages and will be a stunning addition to your home or office.
    Brand: Hampton Nautical, Model: Solid-Blue-Oar-36, Color: Solid Blue, Size: 36 inch

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