Over 6x Bigger Roll = 105 Feet of Kinesiology Tape! RockTapeRx is the world's best kinesiology tape specially designed to be gentler on skin. It can be used to treat sports and non-sports injuries.
Who is RockTapeRx suited for RockTapeRx's gentle adhesive is great for special patient populations, like the less-active, children, the elderly, those with neurological disorders, Proprioceptive cues, and those who are pregnant. Latex & Zinc Free
180% Stretch = More Stretch Than The Competition: With bbetter range of motion, with 180% elasticity, compared to other brands offering 130-150% stretch
How is RockTapeRx different RockTapeRx is designed to be gentle on skin with 7% less adhesive - making it ideal for non-sporting taping applications.
When applied properly, RockTape kinesiology tape microscopically lifts the skin away from the muscle and fascia below, increasing blood flow, which relieves swelling, delays fatigue, and increases kinesthetic awareness
RockTapeRx is the world's best kinesiology tape specially designed to be gentler on skin. It can be used to treat sports and non-sports injuries. It is an ideal tape for special patient populations such as pediatrics, geriatrics, neurological disorders and pregnancy. RockTape microscopically lifts the skin away from the muscle and fascia below, which decompresses the area and reduce swelling. Brand: Rocktape, Model: RCT100-BK-RX, Color: Black, Size: Uncut Roll - 105 Feet
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