The most trusted source for your shooting supplies
Tested for quality and durability
Made using the highest quality materials and components
White splatter allows you to immediately spot each shot
Non-adhesive back allows you to affix target to your surface of choice, add notes and save for future reference
Price per target is comparable to plain paper targets
Targets come with aiming point for open or scoped sights
Perfect for all firearms and calibers
The name comes from the splatter of white that appears upon bullet impact, which allows you to immediately spot each shot. These targets are a great value and simple to use both indoors and outdoors. The black and white contrast of these splattering targets is perfect for reading shot groups. The non-adhesive back also allows you to affix to a surface as you wish, add notes and then easily save the targets for future reference. Why use paper targets when you can enjoy the splatter of Dirty Bird targets And with the price per target comparable to paper, Dirty Bird targets are not only easy on your eyes, they're easy on your wallet. Brand: Birchwood Casey, Model: BC35564, Color: White, Size: 18-Inch
Custom Tab 01
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