Snowclaw Backcountry Shovel color may vary

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  • Made from high impact copolymer for a flexible and lightweight design suited for optimal handling and transportation.
  • 2 sided handles make this shovel an easily manageable tool with the use of both hands pulling in the same direction.
  • Multi-functional design of the SnowClaw makes it a great tool to be used as a snow anchor, plate, sled or emergency splint.
  • Incredibly tough yet very flexible, this shovel transforms into a rigid tool by slightly squeezing the handles together into a "U" shape.
  • High-impact copolymer material remains pliable and crack resistant up to -20°F, making this the perfect winter sport and camping instrument.

  • The ultimate backcountry snow shovel. One edge is used for digging soft snow while the other, more rounded edge, for hard snow. The flexible and rigid design of this shovel also makes it the ultimate multi-use tool: shovel, snow anchor, emergency splint, plate, sled, waterproof seat, and more. Made in the USA from high impact copolymer with a patented design that allows the load-lifting force of both hands pulling in the same direction. Weight 6 ounces, size: 12" x 11.25".
    Brand: SnowClaw, Model: LIB753804, Color: Red

    Custom Tab 01

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