Snow Joe Ultra SJ624E 21-Inch 14-Amp Electric Snow Thrower

Snow Joe
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  • Deluxe size model is ideal for clearing snow off large driveways and walkways
  • No gas, oil or tune-ups make it effortless to start and maintain
  • Powerful 14-amp motor moves up to 730 lbs of snow per minute
  • Cuts a path 21 in. wide by 11.8 in. deep with each pass
  • 180° adjustable chute throws snow up to 20 ft away

  • Max Clearing Power! Make quick work out of the heavy white stuff nature throws your way with the deluxe size Snow Joe Ultra SJ624E, the largest electric snow thrower currently on the market to date. Boasting a powerful 14-amp motor, this snow-throwing dynamo can move up to 730 pounds of snow per minute! Its durable, steel auger features 2 rubber blades that cut a swath 21-inches wide by 11.8-inches deep with each pass, so you can clean up large areas fast. Equipped with a 180 adjustable chute, the Ultra SJ624E throws snow up to 20 feet away in the direction you want it to go. Easy-glide wheels make the Snow Joe Ultra super easy to turn and maneuver. Plus, the scraper blade at the base of the unit efficiently scrapes the snow clear to the ground without damaging your deck or pavement. Delivering the performance of a gas machine with the convenience of electric power, the Ultra SJ624E is the smart, eco-friendly choice for snow removal this winter. No gas, no oil, no maintenance, no fuss! GET EQUIPPED with the Snow Joe Ultra and clear out fast from tough winter messes. ETL approved; Full 2-year warranty.
    Brand: Snow Joe, Model: SJ624E, Color: Blue, Size: 21-Inch

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