Tetra Pond Water Garden Pump, Powers Waterfalls/Filters/Fountain Heads

Tetra Pond
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  • Start with this pump when creating your own backyard pond
  • Magnetic drive water garden pump
  • Powers waterfall, filters, and fountain heads
  • Energy efficient, UL listed, 3 Year Limited Warranty
  • Select the appropriate size for your pond

  • For 50 years, fishkeeping enthusiasts have looked to the Tetra name for products and solutions that add ease and beauty to their home. Whether you're an experienced hobbyist or just starting out, Tetra has everything you need–-from a large variety of quality fish food and innovative equipment to test kits and decor. The Tetra Pond Water Garden Pump is a versatile pump that can power waterfalls, filters, and fountain heads. Create a beautiful water feature within your pond by powering it with a reliable pump. Reliable magnetic technology provides energy efficient pumping to your pond. Adapters are included: 1 1/4 inch ID. This energy efficient pump comes with a 3 year limited warranty. This medium pump works with 1000-1500 gallons and is 1900 GPH. The higher the water is pumped above the pond surface, the less flow will result. Waterfall widths are approximately 1 in wide for every 100 GPH. For submersible use only. 12 foot power cord.
    Brand: Tetra Pond, Model: 26589, Size: 1000 to 1500 gallons

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