Solvit Tagalong Pet Booster Seat, Deluxe, Large

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  • MEASUREMENTS: Seat measures 16 in. x 13 in. x 8 in.; best for dogs up to 18 lb. such as miniature Dachshund, Lhasa Apso, Bichon Frise
  • UNIQUE DESIGN: Internal frame allows the seat to hang from the headrest and supports the seat from below, providing an unobstructed view for your pet
  • QUICK INSTALLATION: Installs securely with two adjustable headrest straps in all vehicles with headrests
  • ADJUSTABLE: The adjustable headrest straps allow you to customize the height of the booster seat for your pet
  • DURABLE: Quilted micro-suede body with a quilted pad liner helps provide durability and comfort
  • EASY-TO-CLEAN: Removable, washable liner helps keep your pet's seat clean and fresh
  • SUPPORT FOR YOU: Call, chat or email with our expert US-based customer care specialists six days a week at 1-800-845-3274; they are waiting to assist you and your pet with your product needs
  • EXPERIENCE: PetSafe brand has been an industry leading US manufacturer of pet behavior, containment and lifestyle products since 1991, helping millions of people and pets each year

  • The PetSafe Solvit Deluxe Tagalong Pet Booster Seat provides the ultimate ride for pampered pups. Its unique design elevates your pet off the car seat so they can look out the window with ease as you drive. Two adjustable straps wrap around your car's headrest to allow you to pick the perfect height for your pet. These seats feature a padded interior and an internal harness attachment to create a comfortable and secure ride for your dog. The liner easily removes for washing to keep the booster seat clean and fresh.
    Brand: Solvit, Model: 62346, Color: Taupe, Size: Up to 18 lb.

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