Federal Signal 350-120-30 Vibratone Electro-Mechanical Horn, Surface Mount, 120 VAC

Federal Signal
Out Of Stock


  • 120VAC Voltage
  • 100dBA10'; 110dBA1m
  • Capable of producing coded or sustained tones
  • PLC Compatible
  • UL and cUL Listed; CSA Certified; FM Approved

  • Federal Signal's Model 350 produces a very loud horn tone by the electro-mechanical vibration of a diaphragm. Capable of reproducing coded blasts or sustained tones through the use of a number of control devices from a push button to a PLC. Vibratone mounting options provide for surface flush or semi-flush mounting on walls panels in cabinets on 4-inch square outlet boxes or in concrete and deep wall constructions. Each model is enclosed in a zinc die-cast housing sealed with gray powder-coat paint and features a stainless steel diaphragm. Federal Signal's Vibratone horn is excellent for general alarm start and dismissal coded paging and process control signaling in areas of high ambient noise levels.
    Brand: Federal Signal, Model: 350-120-30, Color: Gray

    Custom Tab 01

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