Honeywell s 5800PIR Series of Wireless Motion Detectors are high performance, easy to install sensors featuring sleek, compact designs that are ideal for applications where aesthetics or discretion are critical. On the 5800PIR and 5800PIR COM, PIR sensitivity and temperature sensing can be enabled via programming locally or from the central station. Installation is easy, with no jumpers, switches or disassembly, fewer mounting restrictions and an automatic walk test mode that turns on the walk test LED for ten minutes saving installers one trip up the ladder for each sensor. Other notable benefits include fewer service calls thanks to a long life battery and empty cases which allow designers and end users to custom paint the motion detectors to match any residential or commercial setting. The 5800PIR blends perfectly with all of the 5800 Series family of sensors for a seamless look. Brand: Honeywell, Model: 5800PIR
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