Good Tidings CNCC152 Cinco Small Christmas Tree Stand

Good Tidings
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  • Designed to hold trees up to 7 feet tall and up to 5.5 inch trunk diameter
  • Easy-fill reservoir accommodates low branches and holds 1 3/4 gallons of water
  • Spill guard prevents over-filling mishaps
  • 3 Tempered rust-proof spikes in center of reservoir anchor tree preventing shifting
  • Holds trees up to 8-feet tall with a 6-inch diameter
  • Reservoir holds 0.75 gallons of water to keep trees fresh and safe
  • Includes 10 year warranty
  • Body made from 3.25 pounds of polypropylene
  • Uses steel spikes and revolutionary Express Bolt system

  • The C-152 is our most popular item. It is designed to hold trees up to 8-feet tall (larger if attached to plywood using reinforced holes at outer edges of stand) with 6-inch diameter trunks. The low-wide reservoir accommodates low branches and holds 3/4-gallons of water to keep trees fresh and safe. Spill guard prevents over-filling mishaps. 3-1/4 pounds of virgin, high-impact polypropylene make up the stand body to assure durability and reliability. (In most cases, this is twice the amount our competitors will use.) Steel spikes in center of reservoir anchor tree, preventing shifting and making set-up a snap. This stand also employs our revolutionary Express Bolt system. A push/pull ratchet mechanism (U.S. and foreign patents pending) makes setup and take down easier than ever. Plastic handles and steel endcaps round off the package. 10 Year Warranty. Dimension:16-inch by 16-inch by 7-5/8-inch
    Brand: Good Tidings, Model: CNCC152

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