Goldbug Animal 2 in 1 Harness, Panda

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  • EXPLORE IN STYLE: Friendly, plush animal harness/backpack keeps child close and safe, giving your little one the freedom and confidence to walk on their own.
  • COMFORT AND SAFETY FIRST: Tether quickly and easily detaches from the bottom of the animal, and chest buckles adjust for your growing child.
  • STORAGE: Slim and discrete pocket on the animal's back for special toys, snacks or other treasures found along the way. Velcro closure keeps everything safe and secure while on the go.
  • FUN FOR YOUR LITTLE ONE: Functions as both a harness and backpack. They will be so excited to wear their new toy and you can rest easy knowing they will stay close-by.
  • Ages: 18 Months and Up

  • Goldbug's Harness Buddy is a crowd pleaser for parents and toddlers alike! The Harness Buddy is a cute way to keep kids safe in public places, functioning both as a harness and backpack. The child-friendly harness keeps your precious child close when you need it most. The safety strap adjusts as your child grows. The buckle allows easy on-off access meaning that it can be used as a regular backpack when the rein is not required while the connection strap remains securely attached when being used as a harness. The long, 3-foot tail allows your little adventurer to move about while still under parents' control.
    Brand: Goldbug, Model: ZZ53861-1SZ-AST, Color: Panda

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