Dreambaby Chelsea Auto Close Security Gate in White

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  • VERSATILE AND DEPENDABLE- Our Dreambaby Chelsea gate is loaded with features to not only help make your life easier but safer too.Versatile indeed, it can accommodate openings of 28-32” wide and is 29.5” tall. Using optional extensions sold separately, the gate can be extended up to 188.”
  • QUICK AND EASY OPERATION- With the Chelsea pressure mounted gate, installation is a breeze and using it is even easier. The gate allows for one-handed operation and the double action locking feature helps keep even the most curious toddlers at bay.
  • SMART STAY-OPEN, AUTO-CLOSE- Doing laundry, entertaining guests, making dinner With the convenience of Smart Stay-Open, the Chelsea gate can be made to stay open whenever you choose. However, for all other times, it has the convenience of Auto-Close, which ensures constant and reliable safety of a gate that closes automatically from any distance, every time.
  • EZY-CHECK INDICATOR- For added security, the EZY-Check indicator will help you identify your gate is securely locked with just a quick glance.Tip: It also helps indicate your gate is properly installed.
  • GREAT FOR PETS- Made of strong, high-quality materials it's perfect for even the most eager pets!

  • The Dreambaby Chelsea Auto-Close Metal Baby Gate combines safety and convenience in one fantastic package. Great for every home, this pressure-mounted gate is easy to install and is perfect for temporary or rental properties with no screws or drilling required. Designed by parents, for parents, the Chelsea gate is easy to install, allows for one-handed operation, a door that opens in both directions and closes automatically from any distance, every time. For added security, the EZY-Check indicator shows the gate is securely locked with just a quick glance and the double action locking feature helps keep even the most curious toddlers at bay. Smart Stay-Open feature is perfect for when you need to move freely through the gate, such as when you're carrying groceries or clearing the table. Just swing the door in the stay-open position and it will stay wide open until you choose to close it. Dreambaby Chelsea gate can accommodate openings 28-32” wide and measures 29.5” tall. Using optional extensions sold separately, the gate can be extended up to 188.” Also suitable for top of stairs using the included hardware mounts for added security. Made of strong, high-quality materials it's perfect for even the most eager pets too!
    Brand: Dreambaby, Model: F160W, Color: White, Size: 28 - 32 inches

    Custom Tab 01

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