The Solar System Puzzle (500 Piece)

A Broader View
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  • The pieces are shaped like the planets and other stellar bodies for an education and entertaining experience
  • Every piece has a clue about its location such as galaxies, satellites, comets, colored planet orbits or the background glow of the Milky Way.
  • Includes a poster inside with outline of the uniquely shaped pieces.
  • Includes an educational planetary guide on the back side of the puzzle.
  • 500 uniquely shaped pieces

  • Explore the solar system with this unique puzzle while expanding your knowledge of planets and more. The pieces of this puzzle are actually shaped like the planets and other stellar bodies. As you know, the solar system is a pretty large place, so this puzzle would be incredibly frustrating if the rest of the pieces were all blackness. We took on this challenge by including a clue on every single pieces as to its location; whether it be background galaxies, quasars, satellites, nebulas, comets, colored planet orbits, space stations or the beautiful background glow of the Milky Way. And many of these pieces are uniquely shaped like the stellar bodies that they represent. For assistance, there is a larger poster of the completed image inside that has outlines of all of the uniquely shaped pieces. On the back of the puzzle, there is a planetary guide that tells you all about the sun, the planets and the other stellar bodies. All in all, this education puzzle ends up being very entertaining as well.
    Brand: A Broader View, Model: 158A

    Custom Tab 01

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