Soccer Field - Wooden Puzzle Brain Teaser

Winshare Puzzles and Games
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  • Difficulty Level [1-5]: 4 (Hard)
  • Approximate Dimensions: 5" x 4" x 1.25"
  • Excellent Quality.

  • This classic sliding wooden brain teaser puzzle, was first created in the 1930's. The objective here is to slide the pieces around until the small ball, sitting in the large square is down the hole that lies at the far end of the course so the ball will roll down the hole built into the puzzle and out of the front. Great puzzle for a long travel. It has 9 different solutions (one solution included with the puzzle). The easiest solution can be done with 18 moves when the most difficult needs at least 101 moves. Makes a perfect gift for Soccer fan, and great as a traveling game. Come with board and matching lid for safe keeping.
    Brand: Winshare Puzzles and Games

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