Hanayama's Reef Puzzle is a high quality cast metal brain teaser from puzzle inventor Akio Yamamoto
Discover how to separate these two interlocking pieces and then try to reassemble them!
Hanayama cast metal brain teasers have 6 levels of difficulty and each puzzle is Mensa-rated
Level 3 puzzles are considered moderate by most puzzlers
In the summer of 1997, I saw two mackerels that had somehow managed to get into the sardine tank at the aquarium. Watching these two fish unable to blend in with the shoal of sardines made me wonder if they were on a journey of self-discovery. What sort of adventure will they have Imagining this led to the conception of six cast puzzles based on oceanographic subjects. Subject: Reef A pair of gobies living in a coral reef. Separate them from the coral, and then put them back together again. - Yamamoto 2008. Brand: Bepuzzled, Model: 30877
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