Ravensburger Happy Animal Buddies - 300 Piece Puzzle

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  • Since 1891 we've been making the finest puzzles in Ravensburg, Germany!
  • Experience the quality of a Ravensburger puzzle - piece by piece!
  • It's our attention to detail which makes Ravensburger the world's greatest puzzle brand.
  • Our latest technology guarantees an optimal interlocking fit of each puzzle piece to create a perfectly smooth puzzle.
  • Every Ravensburger puzzle exceeds all national and international safety testing standards.

  • Happy Animal Buddies Puzzle Happy Animal Buddies Puzzle has lots of cute critter fun. This superior quality puzzle pieces join together to form a smooth and amazing picture. The game also helps kids develop motor skills in a fun way. Why You'll Love It: These friendly creatures keep kids smiling. Age: 8 to 12 years Features Durable pieces Develops motor skills and helps in independent play, task completion and association Fully interlocking and unique pieces Superior quality pieces made with tools that are hand-crafted Recommended Ages:9 15
    Brand: Ravensburger, Model: 13160

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