Popular Playthings Crossroads Brainteaser Puzzle

Popular Playthings
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  • Welcome to Popular Playthings Crossroads, the road building puzzle for smart drivers young and old
  • Build a road following one of 30 challenges - you must also match the front and rear halves of the vehicles attached to the roadway
  • If you hit a mental traffic jam, you'll find complete solutions in the booklet provided
  • Includes 24 puzzle pieces and 30 challenges for ages 8 and up
  • Popular Playthings provides award-winning toys that encourage learning, creativity, social interaction, and good old basic fun

  • Welcome to Popular Playthings Crossroads, the road building puzzle for smart drivers young and old. The 24 puzzle pieces resemble segments of a road, and each has parts of one or more vehicles attached. Follow the challenge to build a road, matching up the front and rear halves of the vehicles. The Challenge Booklet features 30 different road layouts. If your brain hits a roadblock, don't call the Highway Patrol. The solution to each challenge is provided. For ages 8 to adult. Popular Playthings provides award-winning toys that encourage learning, creativity, social interaction, and good old basic fun.
    Brand: Popular Playthings, Model: 70511

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