Peg board Shapes Puzzle 38pc

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  • BEST SELLER TODDLER TOYS includes: 36 Pegs in a board in 12 DIFFERENT COLORS & 12 DIFFERENT SHAPES (2"X1.25" each), Large foam pegboard (8" inch square), Downloadable eBook filled with puzzles for 2 year olds and toddler games.
  • OVERSIZE PEGS for the preschool toys are easy for little fingers to grasp and stack on the peg board and each other. These learning toys for 1 year olds are the perfect building toys to stack towers and are great toddler gifts too.
  • FINE MOTOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT: The occupational therapy toys pegboard toddler stacking set is great for building fine motor skills, hand eye coordination, develop and strengthen visual perception skills, visual motor coordination, making patterns & more!
  • GAMES FOR TODDLERS: Use with your child for sorting, color recognition, patterning, learning basic math skills such as counting, adding, subtraction and graphing. The best part about this Montessori toys is that your little ones won't even notice that they are learning as they "play".
  • PRE-BIACK FRlDAY SUPER SALE Stock Up & SAVE with Skoolzy Brand Toys. EASY STORAGE & TRAVEL MONTESSORI TOYS: The 2 year old boy toys and girl toys come with the Skoolzy drawstring backpack to easily store all the pieces. Makes for quick and easy clean up. Your 1, 2, 3 and 4 year old can carry their peg board set at home, in the car or while travelling. The infant toys make great airplane activities for kids too! Get your educational toys for toddlers now!

  • Pegboard Shape Puzzle Set Includes: -1 orange peg board (8.5") -36 pegs (2") - 12 colors - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Grey, Light Blue, Brown, Pink, White and Black -1 Skoolzy drawstring backpack (12" x 8") -Downloadable parent activity guide for the toddler toys

    This pegboard toy is a Montessori based fine motor skills toy that is loved by occupational therapists, parents and children alike!

    Use with your child for stacking, shape identification, sorting, color recognition, patterning, basic math skills such as counting, adding, subtraction and graphing. The best part about this set is that your little ones won't even notice that they are learning as they "play".
    Brand: Skoolzy

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