DONUTS Hanayama Cast Metal Brainteaser Puzzle - Level 4

Hanayama Puzzles of Japan
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  • DONUTS is the 2011 New Metal Disentanglement Style Puzzle from Hanayama Puzzles of Japan.
  • Level 4 difficulty (on a scale of 1 to 6 .... as rated by the manufacturer).Your experience may differ.
  • Object is to separate the pieces with clever movements. No FORCE ever.Second Puzzle is to put back together.
  • Great for ages 12 to 105 years. Some very bright 10-11 year olds may also enjoy.

  • Donuts is the newest (Nov., 2011) Brain Teaser Puzzle from the Hanayama Company of Japan .

    DONUT puzzle has four of the same shape pieces that are loosely interlocked together to make up the puzzle. Because the pieces fit loosely it would seem that it would be easy to take apart. However, one is soon at a loss, as the puzzle gives little hint of how it might be solved. This puzzle requires patience and perspective.

    This is an interlocking style puzzle where pieces need to be moved slightly, shifted left or right, then another piece moved slightly and shifted in a series of numerous moves. You may solve it without being certain of all your moves ! Reassembly is equally as challenging.

    Like all good puzzles NO FORCE is ever required. Just clever, insightful movements.

    Small, compact, hand-size, tricky puzzle. Rated as a level 4 difficulty by the manufacturer (on a scale of 1 to 6 where 1 is easier and 6 is most challenging). Puzzle difficulty ratings are subjective. Your experience may differ

    Recommended for ages 12 to 105 years. Some very inquisitive 8 to 11 year olds may also enjoy.

    Brand: Hanayama Puzzles of Japan, Model: 5202

    Custom Tab 01

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