Custom Photo Puzzle Cube

the girls craft
Out Of Stock


Custom photo cube.Send in your ordinary pics... get a fun, fabulous photo cube for everyone to enjoy.When you buy your cube, I will email you immediately. Just reply and attach six (6) pics.If your pictures are too big, Amazon will kick them back and you may have to send one at a time.I will send you a proof, usually within 24hours.If you do not get a proof, I probably didn't get your pics.Please try to send full photos, not cropped.I am pretty good at cropping, as to not cut through important parts. You will see a sample of what your cube will look like, to approve before I print.Also, if you ask me to email you at a different email address, I will not be able to do it.Amazon removes any and all email addresses from the text.This is not a competitive gaming cube.This is a fun novelty custom photo cube.
Brand: the girls craft

Custom Tab 01

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