Start with the amateur cheese challenge: All the holes need to match up but do not need to be perfect circles
Master the game with symmetrical holes, and take it anywhere to challenge family and friends
Develops fine motor skills, creativity and visual perception skills.
Crazy Cheese is both a puzzle and a brainteaser in the same slice of cheese! Puzzle over 9 slices of swiss with varying hole sizes. The goal is to match the holes so you'll have a big 'ole hunk of cheese. As simple as it seems, completion without the solution key may prove to be a mouse trap! With two levels of difficulty, it takes a feat of brainpower and sheer determination to master the game. Take it anywhere in its little pouch to challenge family and friends to solve the puzzle! Includes 9 puzzle pieces, pouch and solution key. Brand: Blue Orange, Model: 400
Custom Tab 01
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