Untangle 3 rings from the circular design, in the cast metal Coaster Puzzle from Hanayama
Once you have separated the rings, it's time to put the puzzle together again
Hanayama is known worldwide for challenging puzzles and quality manufacturing
Level 4 puzzles are challenging for most puzzlers; for age 12 and up
BePuzzled is more than just jigsaw puzzles - it's puzzle-plus
Take the 3 pieces apart and put them back together, that is the objective of this unique metal puzzle. A word from the designer: "Serhiy Grabarchuk is a famous Ukrainian puzzle designer who lives in Uzhgorod. The puzzle depicted on the piece of drawing that he sent me looked like a strange adornment weaved into a "coiffure"design. If you put a glass carefully onto the completing puzzle, it becomes, indeed, a coaster. Using this when serving drinks to guests will no doubt create stimulating conversation. Theme: "Coiffure"." Hanayama Co., Ltd.-2006 Brand: Bepuzzled, Model: 30844, Color: Chrome
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