Bigjigs Toys Learn to Count Stacking Toy

Bigjigs Toys
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  • A playful approach to learning how to count
  • Stack & count the color coded discs as they fill up the poles
  • A great tool for parent/child interaction
  • Includes 45 colored pieces & 9 numbered tiles
  • Made from high quality, responsibly sourced materials

  • The award-winning Bigjigs Toys Learn to Count acts as a fun introduction to math and counting from an early age. Children match the numbered squares to the dots on the base of the wooden puzzle; then count the brightly colored discs as they are placed onto their individual pegs. The bright colors encourage young learners to work on number and color recognition as they develop fine motor skills and hand/eye co-ordination. A great tool for parent/child interaction. The ideal introduction to counting for pre-schoolers. Helps to develop dexterity and concentration. Made from high quality, responsibly sourced materials. Conforms to current ASTM and CPSIA safety standards. Height: 4.33", Width: 16.9", Depth: 4.33". Consists of 55 play pieces. Age 2 years.
    Brand: Bigjigs Toys, Model: BJ531

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