Insert 3D replica plastic models to complete the landscape and puzzle
Download the free app to learn all about the ancient city, available on Google Play or Apple Store
Puzzle measures approximately 22" x 14.7" x 5" when assembled and includes over 600 pieces
Have fun with educational and interactive play
Unlock the secrets of Ancient Greece! 4D National Geographic Ancient Greece is the world's first multi-layer Jigsaw Puzzle that teaches history with its interactive puzzle app! Learning about ancient Greece has never been so much fun. 4D Cityscape has reinvented the game play of the jigsaw puzzle with our patented multi-layer and award winning design. The first layer is a historical jigsaw map, which consists of approximately 600 puzzle pieces. The second layer contains model replica monuments and buildings such as the Trojan Horse, Temple of Asklepios, and Knossas Palace. Once assembly is complete, the history lesson truly begins. The 4D National Geographic App allows you to engage with the puzzle digitally, while learning key facts and viewing beautiful, relevant images of each structure. Additionally, you can test yourself with the interactive Trivia feature, which encourages further engagement and educational support. This free App is available to download from both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Puzzle measures approximately 22" x 14.7" x 5" when assembled. Ages 7. Check out our other National Geographic puzzles for Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome and Ancient China. Brand: 4D Cityscape, Model: 61002
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