ADC Adscope 603 Clinician Stethoscope with Tunable AFD Technology, 31 inch Length, Black

American Diagnostic
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  • Combination chestpiece is CNC machined to exacting tolerances from surgical stainless steel. Ultra-sensitive, non-chill diaphragm for greater amplification and crisper high-frequency transmission; extra-large, non-chill bell for unsurpassed low-frequency response.
  • Adjustable frequency design (AFD) enhances acoustic performance.
  • Clinician headset features reinforcing yoke molded into flexible 22-inch PVC tubing, stainless steel binaurals (tactical finish has black anodized aluminum binaurals), and Adsoft Plus silicone eartips for the ultimate in wearing comfort and acoustic seal.
  • Includes two additional pairs of Adsoft Plus eartips and a complimentary scope ID tag.
  • Lifetime warranty and free "consumables," including diaphragms and eartips, when registered.

  • One of our most popular acoustic scopes, the ADC Adscope 603 Clinician Stethoscope with AFD Technology combines outstanding performance with rugged durability. The combination diaphragm/bell chestpiece is precisely machined to exacting tolerances from surgical stainless steel. Use the ultra-sensitive diaphragm for greater amplification and crisper high-frequency transmission, or the extra-large bell for unsurpassed low-frequency response. Your Adscope 603 comes with a scope ID tag and two additional pairs of Adsoft Plus eartips in a convenient storage case. Select from three metal finishes – stainless, tactical, or copper – and up to twenty-two tubing colors, depending on the finish.
    Brand: American Diagnostic, Model: 603BK, Color: Black, Size: Universal

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