American Crafts Heatwave Pen Starter Kit by We R Memory Keepers | Includes Heatwave Pen and 20 4 x 6-inch foil sheets in various colors

American Crafts
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  • TAKE CRAFTING FROM BEAUTIFUL TO UNFORGETABLE: Imagine adding gorgeous foil that pops to any paper crafting project.
  • MAKE YOUR CREATIVITY SHINE: Easily apply eye-catching foil to cards, scrapbook layouts, home décor projects, party favors and more.
  • EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO GET STARTED: Kit includes battery operated Heatwave Pen (batteries sold separately), heavy-duty plastic lid for safe storage, and 20 4 x 6-inch foil sheets in various colors.
  • EASY TO USE: Heatwave Pen is conveniently wireless so you don't have to fight with a cord. Light guide makes it easy to see where you are drawing.
  • AFFORDABLE ELEGANCE: Your projects will look like you paid a professional but at a fraction of the cost.

  • The Heatwave Pen Starter Kit by We R Memory Keepers is an easy-to-use heat tool that allows you to effortlessly transfer foil and create gorgeous foil effects on cards, high-impact scrapbook layouts, and stunning party favors. Let your creativity blossom using this diverse tool. Kit includes battery operated Heatwave Pen (batteries sold separately), heavy-duty plastic lid for safe storage, and 20 4 x 6-inch foil sheets in various colors. The Heatwave Pen is so easy to use. It is conveniently wireless so you don't have to fight with a cord, and the handy light guide makes it easy to see where you are drawing. Pick a Heatwave Pen up today and take your crafting to the next level!
    Brand: American Crafts, Model: 662586, Size: 4 x 6"

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