Zendex SpeedBlaster Gravity Feed Media Blaster - Red

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  • GRAVITY FEED SAND BLASTER - Unique gravity feed design forces the particles into a replaceable hardened steel mixing chamber & passes through a ceramic nozzle.
  • A POWERFUL BLAST - Operating pressure 60-125 PSI; Working pressure 100-125 PSI; Air consumption 12 CFM-125 PSI.
  • HIGH PERFORMANCE - Complete with a one piece handle, safety vented tank, alumina ceramic nozzle, and adjustable material control valve that meters sand flow precisely.
  • EASY TO USE - Perfect for all your small to medium size sand blasting jobs!
  • AMERICAN MADE - Made in America.

  • This SPEED BLASTER'S unique gravity feed design is unsurpassed in Performance, Quality, and Sand Flow Consistency. Rust, scale and corrosion are tough to fully remove. Blasting high-speed media particles at the work piece is the best way to get into all the small niches in the metal to ensure complete removal. Speed Blaster's gravity fed, safety vented reservoir tank eliminates tubes or siphon hoses that can easily clog. Speed Blaster runs continuously and virtually clog free with the correct media and moisture-free air. And you can use a variety of blast media that do not exceed 14 grit. The lightweight, long-lasting, comfortable design employs gravity to help force the blast media into a hardened steel mixing chamber. Compressed air then forces the particles through a top-grade alumina ceramic nozzle at extraordinary velocity. Speed Blaster is self-contained and small for easy storage in a toolbox drawer. The next time you need to blast something, just connect compressed air and go.


    Operating Pressure 60 -100 PSI

    Working Pressure 70 -100 PSI

    Air Consumption 10 CFM - 100 PSI

    Min. Air Compressor 3 HP

    Fitting Size 1/4 NPT

    Container Capacity 26 Oz. (Vol.)

    Gun Material ABS

    Empty Weight 14 Oz.

    Max. Particle Size 14 Grit

    Brand: Zendex, Model: 007, Color: Red

    Custom Tab 01

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