Xuron 9180NS Fiber Cutter with No Serrations

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  • Size and shape reflect the latest advances in enhanced ergonomics
  • Cutting edges are an ultra durable 58-60 RC
  • Made from a tough alloyed steel
  • Only shears rated for cutting everything from soft material less than one mil. To 14 AWG copper wire
  • Packaged In A Retail Blister Pack

  • Our new 9000 Series is the culmination of 20 years continuous development of the Micro-Shear flush cutter. These are the only shears made anywhere in the world rated for cutting everything from soft material less than one mil. to 14 AWG copper wire. That's as it should be, because these are the only shears made anywhere in the world that can call themselves Micro-Shear flush cutters. 9000 Series Micro-Shear flush cutters begin with a unique, state of the art blanking process from a tough alloyed steel. Their size and shape reflect the latest advances in enhanced ergonomics. The heat treating process is exclusive to the 9000 Series. Cutting edges are an ultra durable 58-60 RC. The result is a shear unlike any other in design, capacity and durability. Static control (AS) grips are optionally available. The 9000 Series: the ultimate shear cutter. From Xuron Corp., the company that invented the Micro-Shear flush cutter.
    Brand: XURON

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