Wixey WR700 Saw Fence Digital Readout

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  • Measures up to 60-inches total length
  • Simple mounting brackets easily attach to almost any rectangular rail or round rail fence
  • Large easy to read display reads in inches with fractions or millimeters
  • Mounts on the left or right side of the fence
  • Magnetic attachment allows the fence to be removed and maintain calibration

  • Get easy digital readouts of saw fence positions between 0" and 60". Two joinable metal tracks mount to round and rectangular fence rails and can be set up to measure on the right or left of the fence. Included peel-and-stick sensor strips mount to the tracks with adhesive backing and supply the sliding readout unit with positional data. Digital readout displays measurements in decimal and fractional inches or millimeters. Mounting bracket, hardware and alignment gauge included. Features: Works with most popular brands and styles of fences including Biesemeyer, Powermatic, Jet, HTC, General, Steel City, Delta Unifence, Dewalt, Vega and more Now uses AAA Batteries for operation (not included). Provides up to 2 years of battery life. Memory retains calibration even when OFF
    Brand: Wixey, Model: WR700, Color: Multi

    Custom Tab 01

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