Wera 05051024001 Kraftform Kompakt 25 Slotted and Phillips Bitholding Screwdriver with Bayonet Blade and Pouch

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  • Features bayonet blade, Rapidaptor with quick release chuck, integrated bit storage and pouch for convenient transport and storage (SL/PH)
  • Two-position Bayonet blade is extendable and can be removed and attached to power tool
  • Multi-component Kraftform handle fits the shape to the hand for the ultimate in comfort and high speed torque transfer
  • Features Rapidaptor bitholder with quick-release chuck for rapid one-handed bit changes for insert and power bits
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty, German Engineered
  • A complete screwdriver kit in one handy pouch, with the versatility of the bits and chuck cap
  • Spring loaded opening mechanism for ease of use
  • Rapidaptor chuck means fast quick release that can be used with power tools
  • Kraftform handle is ergonomically design for greater efficiency
  • Set contains Rapidaptor bit holder, slotted bits 3/16" x 1", and 1/4" x 1", Phillips No. 1, No.2, and No.3

  • Wera 7 in 1 Kraftform Kompakt 25 multi-tool is designed as the compact tool for manual or machine use. The two-position telescopic blade retracts into the handle for easy screw-driving in the tightest spots. With quick push of clamping sleeve the bayonet blade extends into full-sized screwdriver. Bayonet blade can be removed and attached to a power tool as a bit holder. Rapidaptor with quick-release chuck allows for quick one-handed bit insertion and removal for insert and power bits. Integrated bit storage, with press-button opening, makes tool adjustments quick and effortless. Limited Life Time Warranty. German Engineered. KK25 contains Kraftform Screwdriver with integrated bit storage and bayonet blade with Rapidaptor quick-release chuck, 3 Slotted bits - 9/64”, 7/32”, 5/16”; 3 Phillips - PH1, PH2, PH3. Includes durable belt pouch for transport and storage. Wera – The Best Tools For The Job!
    Brand: Wera, Model: 05051024001, Color: Standard Retail Packaging, Size: 1/4"

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