Tweco 9205-1250 SGC-500 Steel Lever Welding Ground Clamp, 500-Amp Capacity

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  • 500-amp capacity
  • Can be used in stick welding, submerged arc welding, gas metal arc welding and gas tungsten arc welding applications
  • For light and medium duty metal fabrication
  • Heavy-duty spring for clamping force to the work surface
  • Ball point screw secures the welding cable to the ground clamp

  • The Tweco 9205-1250 SGC-500 Steel Lever Welding Ground Clamp has a 500-amp capacity and can be used in stick welding, submerged arc welding, gas metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding applications for light and medium duty metal fabrication. It has a heavy-duty spring providing clamping force to the work surface and a ball point screw to secure the welding cable to the ground clamp. It also features durable steel upper and lower levers. Features and Specifications: Processes: SMAW, SAW, GMAW, FCAW, GTAW and PAW Overall length: 9 Inch/228mm Jaw opening: 2 Inch with a depth of 1.75 Inch Amperage Capacity: 500 Cable Connection Capacity: 1/2" Stud Connection.
    Brand: Tweco, Model: 9205-1250, Size: 500-Amp Capacity

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