TNT Tooling WSA Scrap Wire Stripper Ten Ports

TNT Tooling
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  • Wire 22 to 3 AWG and Romex - Nine Circular Ports for Standard Round Wire. One Oval Port for Romex.
  • Ten blades made from Hardened High Carbon Tool Steel. Tool Block is Rust Resistant Aluminum.
  • Blade Depth is Adjustable. Blades are Interchangeable Between Ports.
  • 1/16" Allen Wrench Included to Allow for Blade Depth Adjustment and Blade Removal.
  • Pocket Size - Block 4.5" W x 1.5" H x 0.5" D - Blade 1.5" Long - Weight 5 Ounces

  • Description: The WSA Wire Stripping Tool (WSA) is a high quality precision made tool. A durable manual pocket sized tool for stripping scrap copper wire and Romex. Made in Canada. Stripping insulation with the WSA is fast, safe and simple. Strips both solid and stranded wire with gauges ranging from 22 to 3 AWG. The oval port is designed to strip sheathing from Romex. Excellent tool for recycling scrap copper wire. Used by thousands of electricians, scrappers, and others who strip scrap wire worldwide. Recommendations: Secure the WSA in a sturdy bench top vice (not included) for best results. Using a bench top vice frees your hands to pull wire through the WSA. Processing undamaged oil free insulated wire and Romex works best. Not intended for stripping damaged oily material. Adjustments and Maintenance: Cutting blades are secured in place with a recessed set screw. Depth of cut is fine tuned by loosening the set screw, adjusting blade depth, and re-tightening the set screw. The beveled edge of the cutting blade needs to face the set screw before tightening. A 1/16" Allen wrench is included with the WSA for adjusting the set screws. If a blade becomes dull it can be interchanged with one of the other nine blades or re-sharpened. The WSA manufacture resharpens cutting blades if needed. Or a WSA replacement blade set can be purchased separately.
    Brand: TNT Tooling, Model: WSA, Color: Black, Size: pocket size

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