Tenryu PRF-18548BW STEEL-PRO 7-1/4" Steel Cutting Carbide Tipped Saw Blade

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  • These blades are for use on low RPM "dry-cut" chop saws only.
  • Our most popular Steel-Pro. Cuts thick (up to 1/8-Inch) and thin.
  • ATB(Alternate Top Bevel): Typical for cross-grain. Also used on ripping blades.
  • High quality cuts without the clouds of dust and scorch marks associated with friction blades.
  • Rugged plates and specially formulated carbide tips with a special tooth grind for fast, clean cuts.

  • TENRYU's steel cutting carbide tipped saw blades for industrial performance. Cut ferrous metals (mild steel) faster, cleaner and easier. Save time, money, the environment, and your respiratory health. TENRYU's complete series of steel cutting saw blades called Steel-Pro makes light work out of all kinds of mild steel: steel studs, steel sheet, steel pipe, channel, threaded rod and much, much more. Specially formulated C-6 carbide grade, combined with our unique tip design, resists breakage on impact and lasts longer- much longer than standard carbides or abrasive discs. Special tooth geometry with inserted tooth design greatly improves security of the tip, efficiency and durability. Abrasive discs throw sparks and lots of dust including unhealthful fiberglass. You shouldn't be breathing it in! Steel-Pro blades reduce spark production and eliminate abrasive wheel dust. Abrasive discs wear quickly, requiring frequent blade changes. Steel-Pro blades allow you to keep working; eliminating down time for frequent blade changes. In addition, Steel-Pro cuts 5 to 10 times faster than abrasives. Typically, one Steel-Pro blade will outlast somewhere between 15 to 30 abrasive blades. Think of all that non-productive down time. Abrasive discs leave a sharp burr at the cutting edge that must be removed later. Steel-Pro blades cut clean; eliminating this extremely time-consuming after-cut process. Time is money. Steel-Pro saves BOTH!
    Brand: Tenryu

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