TEKTON 5-Inch Malleable Iron C-Clamp, 5-Inch Jaw Opening, 2-3/8-Inch Throat Depth | 4022

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  • Versatile clamp secures parts for assembly, fastening, gluing, and welding
  • Cast malleable iron frame with I-beam design provides sure strength
  • Acme-threaded screw glides smoothly without sticking or binding
  • Swivel jaw pad floats in a low-resistance ball-and-socket joint to apply pressure evenly
  • Sliding handle bar offers multiple hand positions for best leverage

  • Powerful and versatile, TEKTON C-Clamps secure parts for assembly, fastening, gluing, and welding. From furniture making and cabinetry to metalworking and automotive applications, this dependable workhorse makes sure things stay where you put them. Made of cast malleable iron, the frame has an I-beam design to reduce weight and maximize strength. Acme threading on the screw allows it to glide smoothly without sticking or binding. Floating in a low-resistance ball-and-socket joint, the swivel jaw pad stays in even contact with the work surface as pressure is applied. A sliding handle bar offers multiple hand positions for the best leverage and most comfortable grip.
    Brand: TEKTON, Model: 4022, Size: 5 in.

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